Registration should take no longer than five minutes.
Discussion selection follows registration but could be completed at your convenience later on.
Conference Delegate (Client Side / Agency)
Full conference access including:
- All discussions, refreshments and lunches during conference days
- Welcome Reception on June 7
- Conference Dinner on June 8
- Closing Reception on June 9
Early Bird
Discount Rate
Full Price
From May 1 2016
Software vendors must register under the vendor registration below.
Registrations under client side / agency will not be accepted.
All prices are exclusive of 20% UK Value Added Tax
Conference Delegate & Workshop
Full conference access including:
- Access to Workshop refreshments and lunch on June 7
- Welcome Reception on opening night on June 7
- All discussions, refreshments and lunch during the conference days
- Conference Dinner on June 8
- Closing Reception on June 9
Early Bird
Discount Rate
Full Price
From May 1 2016
All prices are exclusive of 20% UK Value Added Tax
Workshops Only
- Access to Workshop on June 7
- Refreshments and lunch on June 7
- Welcome Reception on opening night on June 7
All prices are exclusive of 20% UK Value Added Tax
Conference Delegate (Software Vendors)
Full conference access including:
- All discussions, refreshments and lunches during conference days
- Welcome Reception on opening night on June 7
- Conference Dinner on June 8
- Closing Reception on June 9
- An ad in the DA Hub Directory
All prices are exclusive of 20% UK Value Added Tax
Vendor places limited to 20% of total delegates count
Discounts for early stage software vendors available