Workshop Day - June 7, 2016

Session #1
June 7, 10am - 12pm
AEP Convert

Let's face it - everything comes down to sex.

The simple truth of the matter is that when you are trying to convey a message, whether it be face to face, over the phone, in an email or through your website, the first thing you must gain is the recipients attention. Once you have it, you then have a slender opportunity to present it in a way where they understand the value it offers and how they can utilise it to progress the business.

Data analytics is probably one of the most complex subject matters for most senior management to get their heads around, let alone understand the information to a level where it guides how the business is directed.

But as with most information-based services, it is the ability to identify managements longer term goals, values and show how this information can enable them to achieve their targets.

In this workshop, Guy Jacobs will show you how to create a framework for you to communicate the value of your work in a way that positions you as a trusted advisor that provides insight to senior management.

You will learn:

  • Why all successful data analysts use storytelling
  • The 5 key components that every story must have
  • The 4 communication styles of successful orators
  • The 3 key factors that affect how your story is received
  • How to check on whether your message is being understood

Bring out the story teller in you to compliment the analyst.

Thought Leader

The Online Analytics Maturity Model (OAMM), developed by Stéphane Hamel, is a framework that helps organisations assess their current situation and provide a structured, actionable path towards improving competence at leveraging data and analytics for enterprise-wide business decision-making.

In this workshop, Stéphane will present the six key areas of maturity and share a tremendous amount of tips and pitfalls gleaned from hundreds of practitioners and managers who gave the model the test of fire.

This workshop will be particularly useful for experienced analysts and managers who seek to understand the strengths and weaknesses of their organisation.

Coming away of the workshop, you will be empowered with a tool and methodology to assess, address and bring changes to move your organisation to the next maturity stage.

Session #2
June 7, 1:00 - 3:00pm
Ernst & Young

In the past, I have taught classes on Use Case Analysis, Functional Analysis and Survey Analytics. I wanted to combine those three into a single “integrated” analytics class that focuses on how best to understand your customer’s online behavior and the drivers of consumer decision-making. This class will do just that. We will start with a look at developing use-cases and understanding their performance with Functional techniques. Then we will focus on how to re-engineer your online survey program to analyze the drivers of choice within each use-case. Finally, we will walk through the use of the analysis in structuring a testing program and driving site change. It is designed to be a complete survey of the analytic techniques necessary to drive ongoing site improvement.

Thought Leader

We have been doing it all wrong… the idea was to gather business requirements from stakeholders, define KPIs, and create a solution design. The thing is… either your stakeholders (if client side) or clients (if agency) do not have a clue or they do not know how to properly articulate their needs. Do not ask them!

Instead, take the lead - be the expert; Show them the light; pave the way!

In this workshop, Stéphane Hamel, a recognised industry leader and author of the Digital Analytics Maturity Model, will propose a radical new approach to digital analytics. He will share tricks and examples that could transform the way you do your job. Utopia or Nirvana? It will be yours to decide!

Session #3
June 7, 3:30 - 5:30pm
Ernst & Young

We increasingly want to make our reporting predictive and analytic. A forecast is just a predictive model. But how do you build forecasting into your work? In this class, we’ll start at a very basic level and work our way up to more advanced forecasting techniques. We’ll introduce and review concept like smoothing, banding and breakouts. We’ll consider different kinds of forecast challenges – limited data, seasonality, variation, product cycles – and potential ways to model or handle the difficulties they present. We’ll look at exogenous variables and discuss how/whether to include them in a forecast. Since our problem set is focused on digital, attendees with experience with different variable types are invited to share their experience. Finally, we’ll cover the forecasting life-cycle and the ways you can embed continuous improvement into the process.

Digital Nation

Digital analytics tools are great at telling us how customers behave on our sites. They allow us to segment those customers based on behavioural and technical dimensions.

What they do not easily reveal is what customers think about the products or why they acted in particular way. This information is critical for designing all the aspects of your site.

In this workshop, Charles will be showing you the tools and methods you can deploy to gain a deeper understanding of your visitors motivations. These include voice of customer surveys, session recording, heat maps and remote usability testing

He'll cover the different ways that you can setup your analytics tools to capture at a micro level exactly what your users are doing on your sites. He'll look at event tracking and the taxonomies that you deploy

Charles will use a mixture of examples and case studies to illustrate how each method can be deployed

By the end of the workshop, you come away with a set of practical ideas and tips that can be implemented on your site.

Thought Leader

Whether you have made the switch to GTM or are considering the move, industry veteran Stéphane Hamel will walk you through a best practice deployment of Google Analytics and other tags through GTM. Plan your implementation, define tagging conventions, place tags, triggers and variables to good use with the aim to deliver value quickly and efficiently.

This workshop is also an opportunity to ask questions about best practices and any technical challenges you might be facing (Stéphane will get in touch with you a few days ahead of the workshop to get your questions - be prepared!). As a post workshop bonus, get one hour of free, private consulting to review and improve your implementation.